Teacher Prep I– HTC350
Download the full Curriculum Guide for Teacher Prep I Times Offered: 10:33am-12:03pm, 12:30pm-2:00pm *New Hampshire Scholars Eligible Teacher Prep I provides students with opportunities to explore the skills and knowledge necessary for careers in education including teaching, social work, child psychology, school counseling, speech or occupational therapy, and other professions which focus on children. Teacher Prep I introduces students to the fundamentals of learning and the foundations necessary for a successful career in education. Units of study include growth and development; learning theory and psychology; health and safety; social emotional learning; lesson planning; classroom and behavior management; and a range of topics related to the ethical, legal, and professional responsibilities of working in the education field. Teacher Prep I students also learn to apply career and college readiness skills through job shadows, field trips, engaging with guest speakers, and hands-on projects. Students have the opportunity to work directly with children on a weekly basis in the Elm Street Preschool. Credits and credentials that may be earned in this course include First Aid/CPR/AED and Running Start college credit from NHTI (Foundations of Education, 3 credits). Special Course Requirements or Prerequisites
Teacher Prep II – HTC450
Times Offered: 9am-10:30am *New Hampshire Scholars Eligible Students entering Teacher Prep II are expected to have mastered or be proficient in the educational skills and competencies learned in Careers in Education I, passed with a “C+” or better grade, plus have excellent attendance. Students divide their time between classroom instruction, student teaching in the laboratory preschool, and participation in internships. Students are encouraged to intern two days per week for approximately 15 weeks in elementary, middle, high schools or other educational programs. Teacher Prep II includes: Professional Growth, Career Development, Field Trips, Leadership, Assessment and Reflection, Responsive Classroom, Collaboration, Curriculum Development and Best Practice, Special Education, as well as continuation of theory and applied learning from the first year. An extensive Career Portfolio is completed and serves as a gateway for employment. Up to 11 college credits are offered to students maintaining a B or better average and successful completion of the Accu-Placer Writing exam for a nominal fee. Articulation is also available through the Lakes Region Community College and NHTI. Special Course Requirements or Prerequisites
Course Highlights
Outcomes: Credits, Certificates and Credentials
Tracy Nudd-Homeyer - Instructor
603-528-8693 Ext. 5007 |