Law Enforcement I - HTC370
Times Offered: 10:33am-12:03pm, 12:30pm - 2:00pm *New Hampshire Scholars Eligible During year 1, students will recognize the social and political influences that contribute to law enforcement as a critical partnership between citizens and the justice system. Particular attention will focus on goals, characteristics, and on the culture of policing within the law. Students will learn and have projects dealing with different policing philosophies such as Problem Orientated Policing, Zero Tolerance Police, and Community Policing. Constitutional Law and major United States and Supreme Court cases will be studied and put into real use with mock interrogations, investigations, and court cases involving students. Students will recognize significant issues involved in policing, including discretion, discrimination, racial profiling, use of force, pursuits, liability, corruption, and ethics. A major emphasis will be placed on police investigations and reporting techniques. Students will also have the opportunity to learn and pursue certification in several areas such as CPR, first aid, Stop the Bleed, Incident Command System Certification, defensive tactics, and traffic control. Crime scene processing and DNA collection best practice will also be an integral part of the curriculum. Enduring Understandings:
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Course Outcomes
Did you know that the Huot Center has the only Teen Cert training program in the state of New Hampshire?
Law Enforcement II - HTC470
Times Offered: 9:00am - 10:30am *New Hampshire Scholars Eligible Year two students are expected to participate in an on-site internship at a local law enforcement, corrections, or social agency. Each learning experience in the internship requires students to be active participants, disciplined listeners, critical thinkers, as well as effective writers and public speakers. A weekly log will be kept on the internship and an oral presentation will be made at the conclusion in front of the Advisory Board. Year two students will also build up knowledge that is taught at level one. Advanced crime scene processing, patrol tactics, and advanced levels in the Incident Command will be taught. Conflict resolutions will be an integral part of year two with role playing exercises with actors and students. De-escalated techniques will be stressed. Students will explore the use of force situations through simulated scenarios. Self-management, time management, and goal settings will also be an integral component of the curriculum. Enduring Understandings:
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