Health Science I – HTC340
Times Offered: 9am-10:30am, 10:33pm-12:03pm, 12:30pm - 2pm *NH Scholars Eligible (science) Students in Health Science I will explore diversified health occupations, the foundations of healthcare, and basic patient care skills. Theoretical and practical instruction includes learning medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, and certification in American Heart Association Heart-Saver Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid. They also learn hands-on skills in the simulated clinical laboratory using equipment designed for scenario-based training for the assessment, management, and care of patients. In addition, they have the opportunity for observation of a variety of health careers in the community. Course Highlights
Credits, Certificates and Credentials
Elyse Pert and Tim Robbins - Program Instructors
Cheryl O'Reilly - Assistant |
Health Science II Pathway Options
Health Science II Allied Health Careers - HTC 441
Times Offered: 9am-10:30am *New Hampshire Scholars Eligible Allied Health Careers prepares students for post-secondary study in a variety of health-related career fields. Students will explore, through a series of guided lab activities, careers in dental, veterinary medicine, medical assisting, clinical lab, diagnostic imaging and emergency medicine. Specific units on medical law and ethics, aseptic procedures, medical terminology, Basic Life Support and medical office procedures are paired with significant opportunities for student specific, independent study. Students pursuing the Medical Assisting track must meet additional requirements of the clinical site and Huot Center. Space is limited for this option. If interest exceeds capacity of the clinical site the Huot Administration, in consultation with the program instructor and clinical partner, will select the students based on alignment to long-term career goals, demonstrated academic success within Health Science and a personal interview. Enduring Understandings:
Course Outcomes
Health Science II: Intro to Nursing Related Careers HTC440
Times Offered: 12:30pm-2pm *NH Scholars Eligible The primary goal of this track is to equip students with skills and knowledge to give them a head-start toward a collegiate level nursing or related program or for entry-level employment in a non-licensed healthcare position. Students will explore topics such as medical terminology, medical law and ethics as they relate to nursing and other topics relevant to this career field. The class provides opportunities for students to practice their skills in a real-world setting and to work toward certifications and college-credits while still in high school. The program also partners with 3rd party providers in our community for students who are interested in pursuing certification as a Nurse Assistant in the state of New Hampshire. Students must meet the requirements of the NH Board of Nursing, the 3rd party provider and various clinical sites in order to participate in this activity. Special requirements may include but are not limited to; proof of vaccinations and health insurance, ability to self-transport to clinical sites, criminal background check, costs of testing and certain supplies/uniforms. A two-way release of information between the Huot Center and the 3rd party provider will be required. Students may opt to do only the high school curriculum and not participate in the licensing option. *Please note that the Huot Center does not guarantee any certification or license upon completion of our programs.