Bio-Medical Technology I - HTC380
Times Offered: 12:30pm - 2:00pm *NH Scholars Eligible Bio-Medical Technology is the use and application of a part, product, or entire living thing to solve a human medical problem. In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of medical lab science and engage in real science tasks and skills. This class will teach students lab skills necessary for a medical or scientific career in college or in a lab environment, including micropipetting, aseptic procedure, DNA extraction, isolation, and confirmation, basic immunology, gel electrophoresis, PAGE, and how to use the chemical fume hood, thermocycler, and autoclave. Students learn these lab skills as well as advanced biology, chemistry, genetics, and protein studies. This program articulates with Plymouth State University for a possible five credits. Transfer Goals: Employ scientific method and lab skills to solve a problem. Course Highlights:
Special Course Requirements or Prerequisites
Enduring Understandings:

Bio-Medical Technology II - HTC480
Times Offered: 12:30pm -2:00pm (semester)
*NH Scholars Eligible
Bio-Medical Technology II will encompass independent scientific research, advanced DNA and Protein technologies, and have a significant Lab Manager component. Students will design and present their research and experimentation in the NH Science and Engineering Expo, learn about and participate in advanced DNA and protein technologies lab activities, and assist in all manner of Lab Management, including solution preparation, skill acquisition, inventories, and budgeting. Microbiology and Epidemiology may also be covered, for interested students. This class is co-enrolled with Bio-Medical Technology 1. This is a one semester course.
Course Highlights
Credits, Certificates and Credentials
Times Offered: 12:30pm -2:00pm (semester)
*NH Scholars Eligible
Bio-Medical Technology II will encompass independent scientific research, advanced DNA and Protein technologies, and have a significant Lab Manager component. Students will design and present their research and experimentation in the NH Science and Engineering Expo, learn about and participate in advanced DNA and protein technologies lab activities, and assist in all manner of Lab Management, including solution preparation, skill acquisition, inventories, and budgeting. Microbiology and Epidemiology may also be covered, for interested students. This class is co-enrolled with Bio-Medical Technology 1. This is a one semester course.
Course Highlights
- Curriculum is highly individualized with independent work and a focus on student driven research
Credits, Certificates and Credentials
- Articulated credits available through Keene State College
Stefanie Barkanic - Instructor
603-528-8693 ex. 4904
603-528-8693 ex. 4904