Automotive Technology I - HTC300
Times Offered: 10:33am-12:03pm, 12:30pm - 2:00pm In the first year of Automotive Technology at the Huot Technical Center students will be introduced to all systems of modern automobiles. Students will learn the proper safety techniques for working in the shop and how to properly select and use the proper tools for the job. They shall pass Industry-established written and performance-based safety tests before engaging in any hands-on element of the program. They will also learn the technical skills needed to run an automotive service facility. They will write repair orders, communicate with customers, and parts suppliers. Students will then learn the basics of engine repair, electronics, suspension and steering, and hydraulic brakes. Program time is divided between classroom instruction and actual vehicle repair and simulations. Special Course Requirements or Prerequisites
Essential Questions:
Enduring Understandings:
Automotive Technology II- HTC400
Times Offered: 9:00am - 10:30am Automotive Technology II at the Huot Technical Center builds on the knowledge gained in the student’s first year. The year begins with a recap of tools and safety to make sure the students have the knowledge needed to be safe in an automotive service facility and while working on live vehicles. The students will then explore topics such as engine performance and diagnostics, advanced electronics, drivetrains, manual transmissions, automatic transmissions, and air conditioning diagnostics. Students that have excelled in this year will also be given the opportunity to be sent out on a co-op or internship. Special Course Requirements or Prerequisites
Enduring Understandings:
Warren Hoffman - Instructor
The Huot Center Automotive Technology program does a limited about of "live" work on customer vehicles. As we are primarily a school customers should keep the following in mind when considering us for repairs to their vehicle. Our instructors are "teachers" first and teaching will always be our priority.